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Preventing Hand and Finger Injury for the Seafarers

Preventing Hand and Finger Injury for the Seafarers

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As a seafarer our hand is very important. We use it for daily job and routine. But sadly to say lot of seafarer suffer for losing their hands and finger. We all know that losing hands and finger, the company will provide as medical assistant and pay for losing our hand or fingers as much as they can. Think about it, what will happen after that scenario? Does you can do the same things as you do before? We don’t want it a scenario like that will happen to the future. Accident is everywhere. We and you as a seafarer can prevent hand and finger injury by Hand and Finger Safety Awareness and think and Care the safeness of person around us working. We joined the ship as complete and we will go as the same with a smile to our family and friends.

• Think about how important is your hand. • Share knowledge and experience for doing the job.
• Be aware for the risk factors in doing the job to prevent hand injuries.
• Talk about Hand Safeness before commencing the job.
• Immediately Stop the Job if found not safe.
• Give immediate medical action and treatment for finger injuries.
• Do the job seriously and pay attention.
• Use and check proper tools for doing the job.
 • Use the tools correctly.
• Damage tools must not use.
 • Follow the right procedure for doing the job.
• Make sure you understand the task.
 • Don’t ever insert your finger in checking any holes in moving machinery or etc.
 • Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment.
• Good communication and identify the job risk with your crewmate.
• Know how, where and when you put your hand in safe position.
• Report immediate Hand and Finger Injury.

 Safe Voyage Filipino Seafarer! No Finger Injury.
